Lam Tai Fai College

Alumnus Sharing: My Research Journey 13/9/2024

After graduating from HKU's School of Arts with a first class honours in 2021, alumnus Wong Tsz Ho ventured to Holland, London and the States to delve deeper into Asian history. Now he is studying for a PhD at the University of Edinburgh, specializing in data, culture and society research. There is no shortage of challenges and amusement on the academic path. Tsz Ho is overjoyed to return to his alma mater, sharing with the current form 6 students his journey of researching.

He recalled his passion for Chinese literature and visual arts back in his days, when he produced various award-winning artwork and got his submissions published in newspapers. His fascination with literary events and stories behind characters piqued his interest in historical figures. Not only did he once trot down the wrong path during subject selection in college, he also lost his research direction in Holland. Yet, all these setbacks allowed him to discover the use of information technology and the concept of social cultural network to understand the legendary lives of historical figures. This discovery led him to do speeches around the globe while meeting like-minded friends. Finally, he urges form 6 students to hold on to their ideals, not to withdraw from difficulties, and move forward courageously.

The Form 6 students listened with great interest. While being proud of their senior’s achievements, they understood that daily persistence in doing their best is the key towards future achievements.

校友分享活動:我的研究之路 13/9/2024

校友黃梓豪2021年於香港大學文學系( 一級榮譽)畢業後,分別前往荷蘭、倫敦以及美國深造與亞洲歷史相關的課程,現正於愛丁堡大學修讀博士課程,從事數據、文化與社會研究。學術路上不乏挑戰與樂趣,黃梓豪很高興能回到母校與一眾中六同學分享自己的研究之路。

