Lam Tai Fai College

Senior-form and Junior-from Parents Evenings 2016

Close partnership between the family and the school is a key to our students’ success. This year, our Senior-form and Junior-form Parents’ Evenings were held on the 23rd of September and the 14th of October, respectively. Parents could not only make use of this opportunity to meet the Class Teacher and Form Master/Mistress but the meeting also highlighted some important issues such as guidelines and examples for subject selection, criteria governing academic attainment and regulations in internal assessments.

During the Information Sharing session, the Teachers-in-charge of different units and departments gave information and answered any questions raised. Their support to enhance effective student learning did not stop there. A wide range of remedial and enhancement measures have been implemented to boost our students’ learning and motivation. Parents have also expressed their full support of the school policies.

Once again, all participants, students, parents and teachers, reaffirmed the importance of close collaboration between parents and the school in supporting students’ growth.