Lam Tai Fai College

 Supervisor and Chairman of IMC


Dr. Lam Tai Fai, GBS, JP 林大輝校監

  • Member, National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (11th, 12th, 13th and 14th) 全國政協委員(第十一、十二、十三和十四屆)
  • Chairman, Council of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學校董會主席
  • Chairman, RTHK Board of Advisors 香港電台顧問委員會主席
  • Supervisor and Chairman, Lam Tai Fai College 林大輝中學校監兼校董會主席
  • Member, Sports Commission of the HKSAR 香港特別行政區體育委員會委員
  • Standing Committee Member, Henan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (10th, 11th and 12th) 河南省政協常委(第十、十一和十二屆)
  • District Councilor of Sha Tin District (2008-2011) 香港特別行政區沙田區區議員 (2008–2011)
  • Member, Legislative Council of the HKSAR (2008-2016) 香港特別行政區立法會議員 (2008–2016)
  • Chairman, Panel on Education of Legislative Council (2012-2016) 立法會教育事務委員會主席 (2012–2016)
  • Chairman, Hong Kong Sports Institute (2017-March 2023) 香港體育學院主席 (2017至2023年3月)

 Deputy Supervisor and IMC Member


Mr. John Fan Kam Ping, BBS, JP 范錦平副校監

  • Founding Principal, Lam Tai Fai College 林大輝中學創校校長
  • Permanent Honorary President, Hong Kong School Sports Federation (HKSSF Chairman 1998-2000, President 2000-2002, Vice-Chairman 1997-1998, 2002-2004) 香港學界體育聯會永遠名譽會長 (主席1998-2000, 會長 2000-2002, 副主席 1997-1998, 2002-2004)
  • Chairman, Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council (1994-1998) 香港津貼中學議會主席 (1994-1998)
  • Founding Chairman, Kowloon Region School Heads Association 九龍地域校長聯會創會主席
  • Appointed Councilor, Hong Kong Urban Council (1985-1991) 香港市政局委任議員 (1985-1991)
  • Appointed Member, Shamshuipo District Board (1981-1989) 深水埗區議會委任議員 (1981-1989)
  • Chairman - Shamshuipo Fight Crime Committee (1987-1995); Member (1977-1996)
    深水埗撲滅罪行委員會 (1987-1995); 成員 (1977-1996)

 IMC Member


Professor Raymond Au Wai Man, PhD, M.H. 區偉文教授

  • Former Associate Academic Director, Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI), Vocational Training Council 前香港知專設計學院助理學術總監
  • Former Associate Head, Institute of Textiles & Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 前香港理工大學紡織及服裝學系副主任
  • Former Professor of Practice (Fashion Design), Institute of Textiles 前香港理工大學紡織及服裝學系實務教授
  • Former Consultant Professor, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University 前清華大學美術學院顧問教授
  • Former Consultant Professor, College of Fashion & Design, Donghua University 前東華大學服裝藝術設計學院顧問教授
  • Honorary Professor, Faculty of Design and Environment, Technology and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi), VTC 香港高等教育科技學院, 環境及設計學院榮譽教授
  • Honorary Advisor, Department of Fashion and Image Design, Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) 香港知專設計學院,時裝及形象設計系 - 名譽顧問
  • Visiting Professor, College of Art & Design, Shenzhen University 深圳大學藝術設計學院訪問教授
  • Director of Fashion Farm Foundation (FFF)

 IMC Member


Professor Albert Lee 李大拔教授

  • Member, Preparatory Committee of Lam Tai Fai College 林大輝中學建校籌備委員會委員
  • Professor (Clinical), School of Public Health and Primary Care, Director of Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學醫學院公共衞生及基層醫療學院臨床教授、健康教育及促進健康中心總監
  • Fellow and Associate Dean of General Education of Wu Yee Sun College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學伍宜孫書院院務委員及通識教育副主任
  • Vice President (Child and Adolescent Public Health) UNESCO-Hong Kong 香港聯合國教科文協會副會長(兒童及青少年公共衞生)
  • International Member (Academician), National Academy of Medicine, USA. 美國國家醫學研究院外籍院士
  • Honorary Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong (2011 – 2019) 香港大學教育學院榮譽教授 (2011 – 2019)
  • Member of Steering Committee of Alliance of Healthy Cities (2003 – 2010, 2014 – 2018) & Vice Chairman of HK Chapter健康城市聯盟督導委員會委員 (2003 – 2010, 2014 – 2018) 及香港支部副主席
  • Member of Advisory Council on the Environment (2015 – 2020) 環境諮詢委員會委員 (2015 – 2020) 
  • Director of Urban Renewal Fund (2014 – 2020) 市區更新基金董事 (2014 – 2020)
  • Member of Curriculum Development Council (2003 – 2009) 香港特別行政區課程發展議會委員 (2003 – 2009)
  • Chairman of CDC-HKEAA Health Management and Social Care Committee, HKSAR (2004 – 2014) 新高中健康管理及社會關懷課程委員會主席 (2004 – 2014)
  • Member of Editorial Executive Committee, Journal of Law and Medicine 醫學法律期刊編輯執行委員

 IMC Member


Professor Hon William Wong Kam Fai, M.H. 黃錦輝教授

  • Member, National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 全國政協委員
  • Member, Legislative Council of the HKSAR 香港特別行政區立法會議員
  • Associate Dean (External Affairs), Faculty of Engineering, CUHK 香港中文大學工程學院副院長 ( 外務 )
  • Director, Centre for Innovation and Technology, CUHK 香港中文大學創新科技中心主任
  • Professor, Dept. of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management, CUHK 香港中文大學系統工程與工程管理學系教授
  • Advisor, Our Hong Kong Foundation 團結香港基金顧問
  • Vice-Chairman, CLP Customer Consultative Group中電客戶諮詢小組副主席
  • Vice-Chairman, Hong Kong Professionals and Senior Executives Association香港專業及資深行政人員協會副會長
  • Member, Standing Committee, Council for the Promotion of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Cooperation廣東省粤港澳合作促進會常務理事
  • Advisor, Guangzhou Association for Science and Technology 廣州市科學技術協會港澳顧問
  • Member, Standing Committee, Shenzhen Association for Science and Technology 深圳市科學技術協會常務委員
  • Member, Expert Review Panel, Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心專家審核小組成員
  • Chairman, ICT Advisory Committee, Scout Association of Hong Kong 香港童軍總會資訊科技委員會主席

 IMC Member


Mr. Alex Wong Chun Bong, FCCA FCPA FTIHK FCA 王振邦先生

  • Founder, C. B. Wong & Co. 王振邦會計師事務所創辦人
  • Member of the Council and ex-member of the Court of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學校董會成員及大學顧問委員會前成員
  • Ex-President, Federation of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Alumni Associations
  • Ex-member of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Committees
    • Disciplinary Panel (Panel B) 紀律小組 (B)
    • Practice review committee 執業審核委員會
    • Small and Medium Practices Committee 中小型執業所委員會
  • Past Chairman, ACCA Hong Kong 特許公認會計師公會香港分會前會長

 IMC Member


Mr. Raymond Wong Kwong Wai 黃廣威先生

  • Honorable Advisor, Hong Kong Association of Computer Education 香港電腦教育學會榮譽顧問
  • Chairman, Club House Management Committee, Kowloon Region School Heads Association 九龍地域校長聯會會所管理委員會主席
  • Honorary Secretary, Supervisory Committee, Kowloon Region School Heads Association 九龍地域校長聯會監事會義務秘書
  • Member, Executive Committee, New Territories School Heads Association 新界校長會執委會委員
  • Member, Vetting Committee, EDB QEF 優質教育基金審核委員會委員
  • Project Consultant, Centre for Innovation & Technology, CUHK. 香港中文大學創新科技中心項目顧問

 IMC Member


Professor Alexander Wai Ping Kong, JP 衛炳江教授 太平紳士

  • President and Vice-Chancellor, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學校長
  • Member, the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference中國人民政治協商會議第14屆全國委員會 委員
  • Member, the Hong Kong Observatory Strategic Advisory Committee 香港天文臺策略諮詢委員會成員

 IMC Member


Hon Yiu Pak Leung, MH, JP 姚柏良先生立法會議員

  • Member, Airport Authority Hong Kong 香港機場管理局成員
  • Member (Tourism), Legislative Council of the HKSAR (2022-2025) 香港特別行政區立法會議員(旅遊界) (2022-2025)
  • Chairman, China Travel Service (Hong Kong) Limited 香港中國旅行社有限公司董事長
  • Trade Member, Hong Kong Travel Industry Authority 香港旅遊業監管局業界成員
  • Council Member, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學校董會成員
  • Member, Tourism Strategy Committee 旅遊業策略委員會成員
  • Vice Chairperson, Travel Industry Training Advisory Committee 旅遊業行業培訓諮詢委員會副主席
  • Member, Harbourfront Commission 海濱事務委員會成員
  • Member, Committee on Taxi Service Quality 的士服務質素委員會委員

 IMC Member (Parent Manager)


Ms. Jenny Miu Yin Ping 苗延平女士

  • Chairperson of LTFC Parent-Teacher Association

 IMC Member (Alternate Parent Manager)


Ms. Regina Woo Sin Ming 鄔倩明女士

  • Vice-Chairperson of LTFC Parent-Teacher Association

 IMC Member (Teacher Manager)


Mr. Kwok Kwan Hon 郭鈞漢老師

  • Head of School Promotion and External Communication Department
  • Coordinator of Partnership School Programme

 IMC Member (Alternate Teacher Manager)


Ms. Carman Ng Siu Man 吳小文老師

  • Head of Moral, Civic & Life Education Department

 IMC Member (Alumni Manager)


Ms. Au Sin Ying 歐倩瑩女士

  • Chairperson of LTFC Alumni Association

 Ex- Officio IMC Member


Mr. Kwok Kim Fai 郭劍輝校長

  • School Principal