Lam Tai Fai College
  Financial Assistance (for students enrolled in or before 2021-2022)
School-based Fee Remission Scheme
學生經濟援助 (適用於2021-2022學年或之前入讀本校的學生)

To ensure that financial hardship does not deprive students of the opportunity to be admitted, the school offers a School-based Fee Remission Scheme.

Application Forms can be collected from the General Office.

Application Deadline: 30th September 2024 (Monday).

All applications must be returned to the General Office during school hours.

Application Guidelines 申請指引

School-based Fee Remission Scheme Application Form 學費減免計劃申請表格

Enquiries 查詢: 2786 1990 (Ms. Leung Ling Man 梁羚敏老師)

Students in our school are also eligible to apply to the Student Finance Office (SFO) for textbook assistance and travel subsidy.

Fee Remission Calculator 學費減免計算器

This fee remission calculator can help you to estimate your eligibility for fee remission in 2022-2023. The results are for your reference only.
此學費減免計算器可評估您於 2022-2023 年度的學費減免資格。結果僅供參考。

Annual income of the family (in the last 12 months) 家庭全年總收入 (於過去 12 個月期間)
Annual income of applicant 申請人全年總收入
Annual income of applicant's spouse 申請人配偶全年總收入
Yearly contribution from other members of the family
Other income 其他收入


Family situations 家庭狀況
Single parent family 單親家庭
Dependent parents 供養的父母
Unmarried children residing with the family (Including the student-applicant)
同住的未婚子女 (包括申請資助之學生)