Lam Tai Fai College

 Re-opening Ceremony 2017-2018

After the Summer Vacation, all the students and teachers looked refreshed and were ready to begin the new school year. The School Re-opening Ceremony was held on 1st September 2017 at the Multi-purpose Stadium. All the students and teachers attended the Ceremony and everyone was excited about the new academic year.

Our Deputy Supervisor, Mr John Fan Kam Ping, BBS, JP, officiated the Ceremony and welcomed everyone on behalf of the IMC on the first day of school. He was excited to see new students joining our family. At our College, first-class school facilities and a supportive learning environment are offered to support students’ all- round development. He encouraged our students to live up to the yearly theme: “Growth, Orientation, Action, Life-long”. He is confident that all students can make further progress in their studies and non-academic areas in the coming school year.