Lam Tai Fai College

9 September 2010

Marco Kwok Admitted to Bachelor of Health Education Degree

明報 2010年9月9日 星期四



Our alumni Marco Kwok, along with the World Champion Racing Cyclist Wong Kam-po, was admitted to the Bachelor of Health Education Degree Programme first launched by the Hong Kong Institute of Education this year.

This programme, which consists of 10 courses with a total of 30 credits, prepares school teachers, nurses and social workers to meet the increasing challenges of public health in the community. Half of the programme will be online distance learning.

Marco will be required to attend a bridging course taking subjects like Human Biology, Moral Education, Learning Strategies, etc. Like the rest of the students taking the programme, he will need to attend class, sit for examinations, do presentations and submit reports, but special arrangements will be made if he needs to represent Hong Kong to compete worldwide.