Lam Tai Fai College
Outstanding Athletes Incentive Awards Scheme 2021
Outstanding Athletes Incentive Awards Scheme 2021
CHEUNG Ka Long Room Naming Ceremony
Designing Murals for the School Hand in Hand
15th Anniversary - Alumni Banquet, Passing the Torch
Fashion Show
Outstanding Athletes Incentive Awards Scheme 2021
CHEUNG Ka Long Room Naming Ceremony

Visit to the Legislative Council 參觀立法會(8th April, 2010)

(left) Ms Cham Yuen May, Our School Supervisor, Dr Hon Lam Tai Fai & Deputy Principal, Ms Tang Wai Chun, Agnes with our S6 students

On 8th April, 2010, our S6 students visited the highest law-making organ of Hong Kong, the Legislative Council. The objective of the activity is to enhance students’ knowledge to the legislature of Hong Kong so as to promote good citizenship among our students.

We are greatly honour to have our Supervisor, Hon Dr Lam Tai Fai, BBS, JP, to be with us for the tour. After visiting the Chamber, Conference Rooms and Dining Hall, a brief introduction on the operation of Legislative Council was arranged in the Press Conference Room. Many students showed great interest to know more about this highest law-making body of Hong Kong as well as the Legislative Councillors.

Lastly, a role play simulation on the reading of a bill was arranged for students. Students were asked to debate on the bill of ‘whether school should allow students to bring their mobile phones to school”. Heat debate was conducted and our students really enjoyed being acted as a member of the Legislative Council as well as officials of HKSAR.




At the beginning, Dr. Lam gave a brief introduction about the LegCo Building
in the Conference Room.

Then, students visited the LegCo Chamber and experienced the atmosphere of the Council Meeting.

Students took photos in the Chamber.

A question and answer section has been arranged for students and Dr. Lam explained how the legislative institution of Hong Kong operates.

Lastly, a role play has been arranged for students in conference room, debating the statement about whether school should let students bring their mobile phone to school, and allow them to use it in classroom.

Students showed active in the debate and they enjoyed acting a member of Legislative Council.