3. Our Pride Our Torchbearers
Be Our Legend (創造傳奇) - Two torchbearers for EAG
東亞運動會火炬手 - 邱嘉琳同學及郭灝霆校友
It is indeed our pride to announce, Yau Ka Lam (邱嘉琳), our S5 student who is a Swimming Athlete of the Hong Kong Team and our alumni, Kwok Ho Ting (郭灝霆), Cycling Athlete of the Hong Kong Team, will relay as one of the torchbearers in the Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games in December 2009.
邱嘉琳為香港遊泳隊代表 |
Video Clips: http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/2009eagTorchRelay/en/photo_02.php